A “family enterprise” is the collection of a family’s financial assets. An “Enterprising Family” is a family who recognizes that a legacy of transgenerational wealth requires a connected and capable family, as well as shared financial assets — and acts accordingly.
For a family enterprise to become transgenerational wealth, an Enterprising Family must work together to manage and steward its financial assets.
There’s a tendency to assume that family members should all agree, and that everything will magically work out, simply because – well – “it’s family.” These assumptions are unrealistic. Bumps in the road, detours, twists, and turns are part of the journey – for every family.
Combining family and finances presents unique complexities. To overcome uncomfortable communication challenges, transcend inevitable differences, and navigate unavoidable change, an Enterprising Family must be as purposeful in cultivating and nurturing its human capital as it is in growing and protecting its financial capital.
Sankofa Legacy Advisors prioritizes family relationships because, while financial assets are important, your family is what’s most important. We help you augment your wealth planning by focusing on “the family side” of family wealth and family enterprise.
We work with you to build the individual and collective capabilities of your family. And we do so within the context that your goals dictate, such as helping you prepare for leadership transitions, improve business operations, develop a compelling philanthropic strategy, or enhance your family office services. Through cultivating your family’s human capital, we help you evolve your wealth planning to holistic parallel planning.
Using our proprietary family systems-based frameworks, we support you to tap into your innate wisdom and find the solutions that serve you best today and prepare you for tomorrow. We then help you to implement your choices and reach your potential.
We help families develop leaders to sustain both their financial wealth and their individual and collective well-being across generations.